Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Rules Chapter 5:Marah

I thought that it was all a dream,untill i heard the crying i was pretty sure it was 2 werewolves.

Tricia and Sawyer were sitting at my side crying.

"Hey,whats with all waterworks?I'm still alive."I whispered.

"Are you okay?You've been out for like,forever,so pale you looked almost dead."Tricia said.

"Yeah,well,that's already happened once it wont happen again."I would try my hardest not to see this sight again.It was killing me to see this on two of my friends i could only dream of what everyone else would look like.

"alright,everyone can come in now,"I said so could go get the others.

Emily was the first to claim my attention.

"Why would you do that i was so worried."Then came the worst wolves to get mad.

"Wow,are you that suicidal that you would go straight to the people that want you dead the most!?"yelled Matt.

Pebbles said the same thing but a little more Pebbles like .

"Wait,wait,wait.I didn't go to them they came here I,just,dont remember much."

"Okay,well you guys are making her more tired.If your going to be in here you need to be calm and not yell."Tricia this time.My eyes dropped a little.Savannah and the others seemed edgey almost angry about this,but i wasn't strong enough to stay awake.
18th century:Marah dreaming
Walking down the street as i usually would back then,I spot what looked like a man but he was too pale.
Somethings are blurry from me being human but the pain of being dragged into a alley and being bitten is still there.
After that i woke up screaming.

"You had that dream again didn't you?The one were you relive the change?"Lauren more demamding then asking,but,i nodded anyway.

"Yea,but this time i felt everything I had felt from that day."It scared me that i was feeling weak.

"When was the last time you feed,Marah?"

"I don't know a few weeks maybe??"

Okay,hold on and don't move"my guess,she was off to get me some blood,what she knew i needed.

"Okay drink this"she handed me a glass.

Feeling more pain then i should have i tried to get up but i suddenly could not.

"What the heck did they do to you?"

"I don't know but I don't think im'ma make it much longer,I need everyone here if I'm going to die."

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